Distance Learning
Introducing CanopyLAB as our Distance Learning platform
Muvule Academy is an education center of excellence that provides world-class education in a rapidly changing and increasingly borderless and innovation based world. Because of this, we recognise the ever changing dynamic world we live in and regard changes as an opportunity to approach learning and teaching in new ways.
CanopyLAB is our wonderful, user-friendly and vibrant Distance Learning platform.
Our commitment to our families
Digitalization connects with our commitment to meeting the individual needs of our learners. With guidance, learners can work at a pace that best suits them, engage in learning they are interested in and provide access to material that is differentiated
We want to stay true to our blended learning model and offer a sophisticated yet easy platform for our parents and caregivers to easily access. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected learning and teaching and this platform was a way for us to ensure continuity of learning

Because schools are still closed in Uganda, we developed engaging, fun lessons teaching children various mathematical and phonetic concepts that children can watch from the comfort of their own homes.
Here is an example of a phonics lesson teaching outdoor and environmental sounds. The development of listening skills will support children to achieve an easy transition when introduced to oral segmenting and blending and letter/sound correspondence.